A. Scholastic activities:

For Classes VI to VIII: The academic year will be divided into two terms: Term I (April to Sept) and Term II (Oct to March). In Each term there will be an internal assessment (for 20 marks) and one Terminal examination (for 80 marks). The internal assessment will be based on a periodical test (carrying 10 marks) and notebooks submission (for 5 marks) and subject enrichment activities (for 5 marks). A student should score a minimum of 27 out of 80 in the Terminal Examinations and 33 out of 100.

For classes IX and X: There will be two Periodical Assessments during the year each for 20 marks with (10 for periodical test, 5 for note book submission, and 5 for subject enrichment activities). The average of all these will be taken for final result for 20 marks and one Annual Examination for 80 marks for class IX and Board examination for Class X on the entire portion of the whole year. The total out of 20 and 80 will be recorded in the Progress Report in numbers and Grades for class IX and in the Mark Sheet of class X to be issued by CBSE

B. Co scholastic Activities:

The following activities will be assessed under co-scholastic activities and graded on a 5 point scale (A-E) for all the classes VI to X.

  1. Work Education (Social, Economic and Welfare activities)
  2. Art Education (Visual and Performing)
  3. Health and Physical Education (Sports, Marital Art, Yoga and NCC)
  4. Discipline (Attendance, Sincerity, Behaviors and values)